I've been focused on making shoulder bags lately, and zip pouches, along with setting up this website. I haven't finished a quilt in what feels like ages, tho I have approximately 20 quilts that are in progress.
ignore the green. the green is gone. it's dead to me now.
These three shirts are going to be a baby quilt. I'm going to finish taking apart the shirts when I'm done with this blog post! I have no idea how much fabric I'll end up with, but I'm hoping to get a 40x40" quilt out of it. We'll see!
This is the current iteration of a quilt I've been working on for a year. There's more of it, of course, but this version includes a lot more sizes of half-square triangles and variations. I keep doing this thing where I start improv quilts with a limited amount of fabric and then halfway through, I can't decide how to finish it and then convince myself I'll run out of fabric. Insert eyeroll emoji here. I'm determined to finish it this year though.
I was going to include photos of some more quilts I'm working on, but honestly, all I can think about now is making some progress. It's time to work .